Women and relation ship to power ( ECLE ESSEC) – What was true in 2012 is still true in 2018

Synthesis of a survey on Women and relation shipto Power- ECLE-ESSEC – English version

This study “Women and Their Relationship to Power” dares to ask the question: is there a feminine approach to power and will this be a vehicle for change in our corporate governance model?

Dating from 20/11/12 with the support of Boyden Global Executive Search, a sound lecture shows each conclusion is still true, therefore i share it in 2018 on my blog/

« As more and more women are brought up into positions of power within organizations, there are still numerous challenges to the presence of women on places of power such as boards.

A great majority of these 50 respondents stated that they did not build their career in connection with an aspiration to power and they don’t fit into the masculine model of power? They would like and try to promote their own values and managerial practices as they have real concern about making things move forward and changing models ».