L’Activisme actionnarial sociétal se confirme !

Engagement and Voting Highlights de BLaCKROCK ou quand un fonds puissant s’engage sur les thèmes RSE:

GESTION DE L’INVESTISSEMENT- Nos priorités d’engagement pour 2017-2018: 
« In a talent constrained environment, human capital management is a competitive advantage.
-Board composition, effectiveness, diversity, and accountability remain a top priority.
-Board review of corporate strategy is key in light of shifting assumptions.
-Executive pay policies should link closely to long-term strategy and goals.
-Consistent disclosure of  standards would enhance understanding of the impact of climate change on individual companies, sectors and investment strategies.
-In a talent constrained environment, human capital management is a competitive advantage. »
« Investors consider a variety of factors when determining the long-term value of a company. Public records such as annual reports and earnings statements have served as the traditional source of this information, helping investors discern the effects of macroeconomic and company-specific issues on valuations. However, with the amount of and access to information expanding significantly in recent years, more and more investors have new types of data to glean investment insights.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are one such type of information gaining in prominence and consideration among mainstream investors globally » : Exploring-esg-a-practitioners-perspective-june-2016